Cedrus Libani – Maasser el Chouf


The cedar forests of Lebanon enjoy the unique distinction as the oldest documented forests in history. The cedars were mentioned in the earliest written records of the Sumerians dating from the third millennium BC up to the ancient Egyptians and Romans. The Epic of Gilgamesh describes the cedar forests of Lebanon as being “one thousand leagues long and one thousand leagues wide”. Currently  there are only few cedars remaining, most of them are concentrated in the three magnificent cedar forests of Maasser Al-Shouf , Barouk and Ain Zhalta – Bmohary. Those forests are now protected areas and they are included in the largest of Lebanon nature reserves, Al-Shouf Cedar Nature Reserve which stretches from Dahr Al-Baidar in the north to Niha Mountain in the south. From the summit of the rugged mountains, visitors will have a breathtaking panoramic view of the countryside, eastward to the Beqa’a Valley, Ammiq wetland and Qaraoun Lake, and westward toward the Mediterranean Sea.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Cedrus libani is a species of cedar native to the mountains of the Mediterranean region. Cedrus libani is an evergreen coniferous tree growing up to 40 m (130 ft) tall, with a trunk up to 2.5 m (8 ft 2 in) in diameter. The crown is conic when young, becoming broadly tabular with age with fairly level branches.


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